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Thursday, 23 December 2010

Hot Chip at Alexandra Palace

I went to see the LCD Soundsystem / Hot Chip gig at Ally Pally back in November and it was one of the worst gig going experiences of my life, but not at all to do with the bands (two of my favourites) but more the terrible, terrible infrastructure at the venue.

I couldn't find the energy to write about it at the time, and I won't detail it now, but massive queues at all points of the night meant that I missed Hot Chip altogether. Thank fuck LCD put on a great show, otherwise it would have felt like a total waste of money. Someone I went with complained in writing to the venue and in return was sent a live CD/DVD of the show, which was actually being sold at the end of the gig, so he did well there. Well, sort of.

Anyway, today an email to the Hot Chip mailing list dropped in, with a link to this video. So it was good to see, though kind of annoying that I didn't see it for real first time round.

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