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Thursday, 13 January 2011

Your life in music lists

A bit of a belated look back at the best music-related Christmas present I got, from my sister and brother-in-law. I like music, and I like lists, so you'd be right for thinking that this book was perfect for me. Music Listography does what it says on the tin, and has dozens of themed list suggestions for you to fill in. So I did.

Here are some of my favourite list topics...

List the twenty albums you'd bring if you were leaving planet earth on a spaceship

List the music your parents listened to when you were a kid

List performers you'd bring back to life

List the first albums you ever owned

List the best album covers ever created

List your favourite television and film theme songs

List the songs to play at your funeral

Oh, and while I'm looking back at Christmas, here's a couple of shots of my awesome nephew playing with two of his best Christmas presents, also music-related. I can hear the royalties cheques tumbling through the post already...

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